International Information
The German-Swiss Focusing Network is an organisation that offers qualified comprehensive training programs with certification as “Focusing Begleiter”, “Focusing Trainer” and “Focusing Ausbilder” (Focusing Teacher).
The training programs fit to the international standards of The International Focusing Institute New York TIFI ( Our focusing trainings take place during the Focusing Network’s Weeks at Achberg (Focusing Wochen Achberg”) and as local trainings by Focusing Network Teachers at different places in Germany and Switzerland
Our vision is to pass on Focusing to professionals who are interested in Focusing and to people who want to use Focusing for their own well-being or as daily life skill, and hereby carry further the Experiential Approach.
The highly trained and experienced members of the Focusing Network's teaching team cover up many Focusing generations, even back to the 1980th Focusing Network's Foundation time. During more than 30 years a special Focusing style, "Focusing Plus", has been developed by the Focusing Network team. The team organizes itself non-hierarchically. The team's working values are process-oriented and refer to the values of the Person-Centred Approach PCA.
The most established collaborative partner of the Focusing Network is the Swiss Institute for Focusing, Bodytherapy and Percon-centred Psychotherapy, "Ausbildungsinstitut GFK". The rich variety of methods and concepts of the GFK are also found in the models of training of the Focusing Network.
The team has four Certifying Coordinators of the International Focusing Institute who are engaged in the international Focusing Community by a variety of activities. They guarantee a direct contact to the Focusing Institute New York and hereby foster the implementation of the scientific and personal develpments of the Experiential Approach within the Focusing Network FN.
For contact please adress to the Focusing Network's officeLocal Focusing Network's trainings by Teachers of the Network Teaching team